About Me

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I have been married for 16 years to the love of my life. I have a beautiful daughter,Katelyn, who has a sweet baby boy. I have a son Drue, and a daughter, Abigail. I have a wonderful Savior that I am in awe of daily!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

African Drums

This is Drue making an African Drum. I went to out local recycle center and got an old oatmeal container. I wiped it clean inside and added some of my sons air soft gunn
 bb's.( I didn't have any dry beans or rice!)  I then superglued  the lid on and now we are decorating;) I am using Modge Podge to hold paper on. We paint with Modge Podge and then add strips of Construction Paper. I would have rather used some nicer Scrap Book Paper, But...Sometimes you have to use what is free! After we get the whole drum covered we will add another few coats of the Modge Podge to seal it. And don't worry- The Modge Podge dries clear:) This African Drum will be a great Classroom decoration that the children can play with and they can beat it or shale it.
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